Balancing Love

I will teach you how to fall in love with "your" life story.

Hi there!

Like everyone, I am always pursuing a healthy balance in my life. I have 3 children, am a single parent and have my children 24/7. No breaks, no weekends off. I work about 70 hours a week, and I am left feeling like I didn’t fit it all in. I ask myself, “did I wash my daughter’s game jersey, did I fill out my son’s school forms, did I give myself 100% at work today”? Or then I say, “wait when did I go to the gym last, or did I even eat dinner last night”?

Since my divorce 8 years ago I have been on a quest to find a “healthy” balance in all areas of my life, while truly living, enjoying the life I have. See we never feel like we are enough, right? We never feel like we have done enough in the day. We are always asking ourselves if we gave enough in our marriage, or in our career, and enough of our time and attention to our loved ones.

In personal relationships we don’t spend enough time reflecting on the good and the bad. After my divorce I spent a year, yes, a full year giving myself a “self assessment”. I didn’t date, didn’t pursue anyone. I wanted my head space focused solely on ME. I read a lot of books. I went back to the gym, I focused on my nutrition, and no matter what I REFUSED to date anyone, not even a single date. I looked at myself in the mirror and said, “Jen, what do you like, what don’t you like”. When you can truly open yourself up to that and put yourself on a quest to finding that out and changing patterns and behaviors it’s truly empowering to take your life back.

I became a resource to family and friends to help them on their pursuit of happiness and balance. I naturally love helping others, I know I’m a fixer. It makes me happy, and I have been put on a path to do the same for others. I became a life coach to learn all I possibly could in every area of someone’s life, to now be able to help you on your pursuit.

In this blog you will find tips on staying happy and in love with yourself and your spouse, if you have one. You will also find tips for being single and navigating through the good and bad of that. If you are a parent I have tons of resources to help you be the best parent you can be. If you are divorced like me, you will find ways to help you start over, while coping and working through your “new” normal as an individual as well as a single parent. If you need a boost in a physical makeover, I got you covered from weight loss tips and tricks to lifting weights.

Remember we only get one life, each time we are given a redo it’s up to us to make the best of that and be happy with ourselves and the people we pick to be in our lives.